Your comments

if you are still seeing this, let me know. Should be fixed now.

Sorry about that. Was a bug for safari browser. Fixed now.

will look at why that is.

Do you mean EBIT/(Total Assets – Current Liabilities)?

all resolved and the final update is coming next week.

getting back to this while I can remember my question, and thinking aloud.

Do you prefer to have notes all in one location OR when you load each stock?

One idea I had is like the kindle. You take notes from a book from any page, but there is a link that shows you all your highlights and notes in one section which you can then click to go to that page.

But the best case would be to have something where the notes are integrated everywhere. If you save a stock to your portfolio, the notes are automatically pulled and displayed, it shows up when you load a stock summary page, in your recently viewed etc?


first version will be out in a couple of weeks. Email going out soon to show you what's been done.